Committee Members

Apple Core

Agnes Holub

The Apple Core Committee is responsible for the on-line newsletter and the printing of the annual Membership Roster.


Leslie Hockenbery

Membership/Attendance shall maintain the membership database, keep attendance records and published the annual membership roster in March and submit membership rosters and updates as required by RCSC.


Bud Sanford

Maintenance is responsible for maintaining an inventory of Club property, the maintenance & upkeep of Club property, recommending the purchase of hardware & software, and purchase needed equipment as approved by the Board.



Library is responsible for cataloging donated items, maintaining and inventory of all
books, removing old books, and providing information for checking out & returning books.



History is responsible for the History Notebook and updating information each year.



Nominating is responsible for establishing a list of prospective willing officers for the the annual elections to be presented at the October Membership Meeting.

Rules and Regulations


Rules &Regulations is responsible for reviewing the Club’s R&Rs to assure that they are in compliance with RCSC policies. Prepare necessary updates for Membership approval. They also monitor the emails for the Procedural Committee group including: AppleCore, History, Library, Membership, Rules and Regulations, Nominating, Auditing, and Maintenance Committees.


Agnes Holub

Publicity is responsible for all publicity about the Club, including public relations articles to the newspaper and other media, monitor the RCSC club web page and submit timely changes and updates to RCSC.


Barbara Craft & Cathy McDermott

Monitor shall provide training for Monitors to include signing in, greeting of guests, use of Membership applications, and answering questions about the Club.



The Social Committee is responsible for providing social opportunities for Club members, the annual End of Year Breakfast, and coffee & tea and treats at Club socials and General meetings.


Rich Cornwell

Webmaster shall maintain the Club web site keeping it up to date and reflective of current Club activities and interests.